Book translations


Combat and Operational Behavioral Health

The Borden Institute, part of the US Army Surgeon General's Staff, engaged AUMF to translate their medical textbooks. We are extremely grateful to them. Our current project – the Ukrainian version of the textbook Mental health care in conditions of war (2011) (Ukrainian-language edition 2013).

This expanded edition contains information on all aspects of military mental health, including traumatic brain injury, post-traumatic stress disorder, combat and operational stress management, resilience training and other preventive measures, pain management, grief, family dynamics, rehabilitation and occupational therapy, medication , suicide prevention, forensic psychiatry, prisoner assistance, drug addiction, eating disorders, ethics and the role of military psychologists and chaplains, as well as improving military policy and practice in the mental health environment.

Over the past 20 years, significant changes and additions have been made to the classification, diagnosis and treatment methods of traumatic and post-traumatic stress disorders in servicemen who have returned from the combat zone. The pace of these changes accelerated as a result of the wars in Afghanistan (2001) and Iraq (2003), which led to an increase in the number of mental health disorders in military personnel and negatively affected their families.

This new book is an excellent resource for providing the highest quality and charitable care by medical professionals to service men and women and their families and loved ones. This book is for anyone in the military who is struggling to cope with the emotional stress and mental trauma of war, illness, or simply needs our psychological support and help. The educational publication "Protecting mental health in conditions of war" (2011) in Ukrainian, which is being prepared for publication by the "Nash Format" publishing house, will be distributed free of charge to psychiatrists, psychologists and psychotherapists. It will also be possible to download the publication for free from the site in both English and Ukrainian languages. We expect that this book will be useful not only for psychologists and psychiatrists in order to apply appropriate standards and modern methods in mental health care, but will also be useful for families whose vocation is to provide adequate support in the recovery of mental health. their loved ones This work emphasizes the importance of skilled care for soldiers during the transition from military service to civilian life, based on training and rehabilitation, and full recovery from post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD).

Інші книги з військової медицини від Інституту Бордена:

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